2023 Annual Meeting Follow-up

Thanks to all members and guests for attending the 2023 Annual Meeting on August 12. Thanks also to our guest speaker, Chris Hardee, of High Cairn Films, for his talk about the short documentary film that he is producing about the old Seaver Farm house, “Good-by to a House”. (A trailer for the film is at the bottom of the web site I linked above.)

We have two follow-ups to the meeting.

First, our members asked if it would be possible to see the Buckingham, Brown and Nichols site, to see an example of the campsites that BB&N would like to add mitigation to the cooking areas, and the path that they wish to use to bring materials to three of these sites using a motorized Gator vehicle. (See this link for an example of a Gator.) I will try to arrange this with BB&N before the end of the summer, and will send an update to members both here at this web site and by email if we are able to do so.

Second, the petition to change our Bylaws passed, but one of the changes – removing the power of trustees to approve members, instead allowing members to be considered in good standing when they paid dues – was controversial in the absence of any policies that specified the proper behavior of members as well as a way for members or trustees to remove membership due to bad behavior, etc. The trustees will draft and circulate new policies to members, and will also petition a change to the Bylaws to reinstate this power of trustees to approve members for a vote at next year’s annual meeting, in case a majority of our members disagree with our new policies. I will circulate a petition for signatures well before next year’s meeting.

Look for follow-ups on these two items in the coming months.

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